Sunday, April 29, 2012

The New Peer Pressure

My intention in this post is not to point blame at social media for whatever strife it may bring to my life. Rather, I point the finger at myself for falling into a trap I have no intention of climbing out of in the near future.  After a recent experience with a young woman whom some liken as a sister of mine, I realized that I put myself in a "stupid" situation with the hopes of being "tagged" in a post and out of fear of missing out on something...anything.  Upon further inspection, it came to my attention that the aforementioned desires are often motivation for my going along with things that I would generally deem "a waste of time".  It is the desire to take part in the most famous social network site of our time that tells me, "I don't know if I will have fun at this, but at least I will be tagged in photos and status updates!"  Those reading this likely know exactly what I am talking about.  I recognize the foolishness of this dilemma, but I am compelled to continue with such behavior.  On countless occasions I yearn for the opportunity to look as enthralled as the faces I see in photos on the most popular site visited by young adults.  I await the chance to be notified that I was a recognized participant in whatever late-night activity proposed by my peers no matter how "lame" the event may turn out to be.  Again, I do not blame social media for doing this to me.  Rather, I felt it was time to come clean to myself and those who are in the same boat as I am.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Life Up Until Now

I graduated from college almost two months ago and life has not gone according to plan (not that it generally does).  Along with almost half of the country, I am out of work.  Usually I would have some sub gigs getting me by, but not even that has crossed my path.  Volunteering seems the honorable choice--increase networking and give me something to do day to day.  The downside is finding places to volunteer takes gas and gas costs money.  I spent a portion of my last few months at college applying for jobs and without that "pleasure", I am bored.  Honestly, I do have studying to do for the GRE, but didn't I graduate so that I could take a break from studying?!  Okay, do not begin to think me a whiner.  I am just a women accustomed to have a day full of plans and now I have a day full of Netflix.  This blog can help rectify some of this boredom and give me a new reason for adventure every day.  Thank you for "listening" so far.